Thursday, February 6, 2014

King of my Caste

Not much has happened lately. BUT I found my own room. I am now a bit more part of Ghana culture as I am living in a compound house. This means that there is a C shaped house with some 6 doors next to each other and behind every door another person is owner of his/her 10m². Most of the people have a bed, fridge, TV, cooking utelsils etc arranged there and even share the room with husband/wife/children. Me, I am proud owner of a fan and a gas cooker and I am happy as can be with a simple life like that. That is a new project in my life.



The bathroom is shared and is pretty much a whole in the cement. Not only do I share it with the other people but also with 100 big ass cockroaches. I am telling you...try not to miss the whole, squatting, while those beasts are staring at you and some of them running around all panicky, is a big task to accomplish. 
Now, I also have to fetch my own water two or three times a week. As I am unable to carry 25 liters on my head without spilling a drop (special super hero skill of the local women) I got a 25 liter canister, which I fill at the borehole (which luckily is an automatic pump) like everybody else and carry it back on my bicycle. The first time I dropped the damn thing, of course, and after all the people had a good laugh, they showed me how to tie it to the bike. Another skill added! Check and thanks!

Fetching Water
Washing cloths

So far my neighbours are great. They are my age and a mix of students and job starters. I like my new life!